Do Not Bleach / Hand Wash Only


HELLO! I agree with this 100% #darkskinmatters I was inspired to make a video encouraging people to embrace the colour of their skin no matter how dark it is, or light it is because I see how this problem is still prevalent in 2015. There seems to be this pressure to fit into boxes people have created; yet those boxes have no sustainability or need to exist. You cannot bleach your skin once and expect it to stay that way forever; it will always revert back to what it originally was. And there shouldn’t be anything wrong with that. Erm there IS nothing wrong with that. I’ve experienced/heard so much negativity about dark skin since the age of 11 and to be honest I could NEVER EVER agree with it. Luckily I assumed the way people were thinking was warped and I never considered bleaching as an option. I still found those comments hurtful. Most times my ears were ready to hear something racist, instead of concentrating things that meant something to me. Those comments always had me baffled like “wow” 😳. Why does colourism exist? Why does racism exist? Aren’t we past this yet? The one question that always sat with me was “how can you treat someone this way for something they cannot control?” Please know that the colour of your skin is perfectly acceptable. This is what makes the world an eclectic and colourful place. Let’s own how dark or how fair human skin can be. Let’s not look at someone and think – they could do with a good bleaching or they could do with a tan… about that.

Until the next post!

Tabitha x

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