Ryanair Cabin Crew Exam Study Tips. Pass ALL 6 FIRST TIME! | Training Course Methods & Experience


  1. Pay attention in class: The training days are long and packed, and it’s crucial not to miss any information. Even though it can get warm and uncomfortable in the classroom, try to find a comfortable spot to stay alert. Sitting by a window for some fresh air helped me stay awake during those long sessions.
  2. Stay hydrated and take snacks: Long days of training can be draining, so make sure you’re drinking enough water and have some healthy snacks to keep your energy levels up.
  3. Study with your course mates: Studying with your course mates can be beneficial. You don’t have to do it every day, but studying together, especially before big tests, can reinforce learning and make information stick better.
  4. Study for the daily tests: Make sure to study not only for the big exams but also for the daily tests. These daily tests recap what you’ve learned, and passing them consistently can boost your confidence for the final exams as any of those daily test questions can be asked in the final Initial or Conversion exams.
  5. Try to pass at first attempt: Failing an exam can be stressful, so give it your best shot the first time around. Remember, everyone’s different when it comes to studying, so find what works best for you. If you happen to fail the first exam you will have a second chance, but if you fail that, you will be kicked off the course and sent home, but you are free to apply for the job after and start the process again.
  6. Break down the information to digestable chunks: Breaking down information into digestible chunks can make studying more manageable. I used acronyms to remember procedures, but find a method that works for you.


  1. Use the pre-course study pack: to quickly reference things that you have learnt in the day (if you have your laptop with you, it’s easy to search the PDF)
  2. Use study days to study: When your instructor offers you a ‘study day’ take it and GO study!
  3. Study and eat at this place: If you are in Hahn, Germany – On your off/study day go 📍➡ HERE: BOHR GmbH Busreisen & Touristik | Reisebürowith your course friends to study and have a meal (not sponsored). It’s a gas station and restaurant with an affordable menu and lots of space for you to be able to study for some hours

Lastly, support your fellow course mates. Encourage each other and celebrate successes together. With dedication and support, you’ll be well on your way to passing those exams.

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